Add a hint of sweetness to your meal with these Lavender Honey Bread Rolls, or prepare ahead of time to pair with your tea! Soft, fluffy, and delicious these rolls are made with NO added sugar and give off a warm floral fragrance.Continue Reading

With sunny days comes outside living.  Just going out to feel the sun on your skin is medicine enough, but especially after a year of COVID lockdown, we are more than ready to leave the house (Sometimes even a grocery trip in shorts feels like heaven!). If you are dyingContinue Reading

Summer has finally arrived and made its mark (those 90°+ days can be brutal!). But the heat also brings blessings, including beach fun, bonfires, and connecting with the Divine Masculine. Some may say, “Oh no – I don’t want any of that!” but the fact is that it’s already a part ofContinue Reading

As we move into summer, the Sun is slowly starting to rise to its peak, days becoming longer (and hotter). This signifies the coming of the Summer Solstice, Litha or Midsummer, a festival celebrated worldwide. This represents the longest day of the year – as well as the official startContinue Reading