Just in – three new stones for you to choose from! Black Calcite Black calcite is also known as “Shamanite”.  This stone is formed when large quantities of carbon infiltrate Limestone and calcite deposits.  It is generally found in Colorado in the United States. Black Calcite is a fantastic groundingContinue Reading

A well stocked spice cabinet is the first step in creating delicious meals regardless of season!  Here are some of the spices we recommend to always keep on hand! Bay Leaves These aromatic, woodsy-tasting leaves are sold dried.  Rich with color, add bay leaves to soups, stews and marinades! BeContinue Reading

Since we have just received a huge shipment of this beautiful stone, we wanted to share with you some cool facts about it! Celestite is found worldwide, but in small quantities.  Although most of the time we associate it with the color blue, it can also be white, orange, colorless, greenContinue Reading

While we may be enjoying this unseasonably warm weather, winter clouds are gathering. With colder weather on the way, and people retreating into their homes, being in close proximity, viruses spread. The most nefarious of the illnesses, that dreaded influenza, begins to take hold. Fortunately, there are several ways toContinue Reading

Although this is a beautiful spice, it is one that many people are afraid to use.  Pretty to look at but what the heck do we do with it? Well here are some ideas! What does Star Anise Taste like? Star Anise has an almost perfect name with its classic starContinue Reading

We have fallen in love with these products, created by one of our very own customers! Once she sent them to us to try, we just knew everyone should have them! The blends are amazingly inspiring and will tingle both your physical and energetic senses! This amazing line, created byContinue Reading