You have probably heard of Osha Root – and depending on where you live, you may know it by different names: osha root, Porter’s lovage, Porter’s licorice-root, lovage, wild lovage, Porter’s wild lovage, loveroot, Porter’s ligusticum, bear medicine, bear root, Colorado cough root, Indian root, Indian parsley, wild parsley, mountainContinue Reading

I’m no stranger to summer days that make people gather around a grill and breathe in the deep, smoky smell. As a kid, I remember feeling proud while helping my dad deliver freshly grilled sausages, chicken legs, and butter covered corn inside to my mom. Every summer I can hearContinue Reading

What is Hibiscus? Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species areContinue Reading

Considering the climate today, with everyone looking for a natural way to beat COVID-19, we have surely seen our share of claims being made by different people and websites about which herbs should be incorporated in a “COVID-19 protocol”.  Senna Leaf appears to be the new addition to this listContinue Reading

A collection of photos that show the freezer friendly meals: Chili, Quinoa Enchilada Bake, Stuffed Peppers, Lasagna, and Black Bean Soup.c

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of cooking! Typically, cooking is a spiritual and practical lifestyle that I indulge in. But boy am I tired of dishes and figuring out what to eat! To combat this frustration, I am preparing my freezer for meals that I canContinue Reading