As we move into summer, the Sun is slowly starting to rise to its peak, days becoming longer (and hotter). This signifies the coming of the Summer Solstice, Litha or Midsummer, a festival celebrated worldwide. This represents the longest day of the year – as well as the official startContinue Reading

The curry tree (Murraya koenigii) or curry leaf tree is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae (the rue family, which includes rue, citrus, and satinwood) and is native to India. Its leaves are used in many dishes in the Indian subcontinent. Often used in curries, the leavesContinue Reading

What is a Feldspar, and why do we love them? “Feldspar” is the name of a large group of rock-forming silicate minerals that make up over 50% of Earth’s crust. They are found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks in all parts of the world. Feldspar minerals have very similarContinue Reading

Paprika in a bowl with a chili pepper on it.

many people don’t realize that there are many different types of paprika – Hungarian/hot, Domestic, Spanish, smoked, etc.  They are not the same, and flavors will vary based on the soil and conditions in the region where it was farmed. Most of them can add a subtle difference and complexityContinue Reading