Just in time for the fall – here is a delicious recipe for an all-around family favorite! Serve over pancakes or ice cream, stir into hot cereal or yogurt, or just spread on warm toast or muffin. Note: This butter isn’t suitable for preserving in a water bath because ofContinue Reading

Exfoliate and luxuriate! The combination of ground oats and orange peel helps exfoliate the skin, promoting increased cell turnover. This is also incredibly easy to make! We always have Rose Petals, Thyme, and Orange Peel in stock – so stop in today and get your ingredients! 3 cups whole oatsContinue Reading

mulled wine toasting by an open fire Simmer some mulled wine to treat your senses on a raw winter day. Feel the warmth of its cinnamon and cloves in your toes. 1 bottle (3 ¼ cups) red wine merlot ¼ cup brandy 3 cups unsweetened apple cider 1 cup choppedContinue Reading

Honey infused with herbs is pure decadence! It is a tasty method for adding more herbal energy to your everyday! Infused honey can be used in tea or coffee, on crackers, in cooking (drizzle it on some Brie and bake – trust me, you will thank me later!) and soContinue Reading