May 23 – Full Moon in Sagittarius (The Flower Moon)

The Sagittarius Full Moon brings expansion and illumination.  We may feel like expanding our horizons, our way of being, or even our thoughts. A sense of adventure and playfulness comes with the Sagittarius Full Moon.  Neptune is also active now, adding some heightened intuitive and creative energy.

After the grounding and relaxation of the Taurus New Moon, Sagittarius reminds us to have fun and try new things.  With it, we emerge out of our cocoon of self-care, fully replenished and ready for an adventure.  The eternal explorer reminds us that we are never too old to learn a new skill or explore new places.  With Gemini Sun energy in the background, it is time to grab your friends and go!  

As we enter the start of Summer in the direction of the South, this can be a perfect time to learn a new skill or explore a new path.  The Neptune energy in the background and the veil still being slightly thin will help you be more aware of the energies around you.  If you are looking for a new spiritual partner or a new spiritual practice, this is the time to begin working on it!

Why Is It Called the Flower Moon?

May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!

  • “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
  • May’s Moon was also called the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name.  Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) for a while; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
  • Henry David Thoreau sparked the Native American Moon names as well, referencing the Flower Moon and Carver when he wrote about Native Americans.

Alternative May Moon Names

May’s Moon names tend to speak to the arrival of spring and all that it entails!

The Cree names Budding Moon and Leaf Budding Moon celebrate the awakening of local flora, which begins to leaf out now in many areas.  Similarly, Planting Moon (Dakota, Lakota) marks when seeds should be started for the farming season ahead.

 The activities of animals marked spring’s arrival, too, highlighted by the Cree names Egg Laying Moon and Frog Moon, as well as the Oglala term Moon of the Shedding Ponies.  All three names indicate that warmer weather is on the way!

(Flower Moon Information by Catherine Boeckmann – The Old Farmer’s Almanac)

Full Moon Affirmation: I am unafraid to discover new things!

🌕 Moon: Full in Sagittarius

🪄 Spellwork Recommended: Travel, Community, Academics, Career Changes, Spiritual Exploration

Activity for you to try this Full Moon

Connecting with a new helper

In this ceremony, you are connecting with a new spirit helper.  Create a ceremony altar with items sacred to the spirit you want to connect with.  If it is an animal, have a picture of it.  If it is a Goddess, Angel, or Ascended Master on top of the picture, be sure you have other items such as sacred herbs and crystals or items symbolizing them.  You can also add a deck to your ceremony altar for extra validation.

Be sure to have an offering of some kind – an incense, a food item, a task you plan to complete on their behalf, or any other natural item you offer.  You are not asking anything of them other than a connection.  You want to ask them if they are open to a relationship with you.  You want a candle based on what you can accommodate (remember it has to burn all the way down) – my favorite is a votive candle (14-hour burn time), but you can use a regular taper (6-hour burn time) or a chime (2-4 hour burn time). 

Create your sacred space and call in the entity.  Tell them what you are offering and that you want to start a new relationship with them. Sit with the altar for a while – you may want to do a Journey to them or a meditation for connection.  Ask them to give you a sign if they are willing to work with you.  Generally, when I am doing an introduction ceremony, I like to do the ceremony 3 days in a row and then wait for 2 weeks for an answer.  But you can also do it for 1 day if that works better. Our answer may come in dreams, signs, or any other way.  I generally use my deck to confirm.

If you don’t receive a message, it may mean that you are not ready to work with them or that they are not the right fit for you.


Attend our Full Moon Ceremony in Person or Remote!

Get your tickets here to participate in our Full Moon Ceremony this Month!