Energies of October 2024

As we step into October, it’s hard not to notice that the end of the year is just around the corner. Time seems to pick up speed, and with all the cosmic activity this month, we might feel a delightful push propelling us forward.

As the days grow shorter and time takes on a different rhythm, it’s an excellent opportunity to reflect on all the changes we’ve gone through and let them guide us into the future. October brings the closing of an intense eclipse season, a retrograde that may challenge our beliefs, and the magical time of Samhain when the spirit world gets a chance to join in the fun. The stars are lighting up a fresh path for us in the weeks ahead!

By the end of October, we might find ourselves feeling a mix of inspiration, energy, and fatigue! To keep our spirits high, it’s super important to tune into our bodies and prioritize rest whenever we can.

October 2024 Transits

Oct 1 – Sun in Libra Conjunct Mercury in Libra

Oct 2 – New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra

Oct 9 – Jupiter Rx in Gemini

Oct 10 – First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Oct 11 – Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn

Oct 12 – Jupiter Rx in Gemini sextile Chiron Rx in Aries

Oct 12 – Sun in Libra Square Mars in Cancer

Oct 13 – Mercury enters Scorpio

Oct 17 – Full Moon in Aries

Oct 17 – Venus enters Sagittarius

Oct 22 – Sun enters Scorpio

Oct 22 – Sun in Scorpio Square Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Oct 24 – Last Quarter Moon in Leo

Oct 27 – Vesta enters Libra

Oct 28 – Venus in Sagittarius  Square Saturn Rx in Pisces

Oct 30 – Mercury in Scorpio  Opposite Uranus Rx in Taurus

Oct 31 – Samhain

October 2024 Important Dates

October 2 - New Moon in Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 2, we can look forward to a fabulous solar eclipse in Libra that wraps up the eclipse cycle we kicked off on September 17. This exciting annular or “ring of fire” Solar Eclipse will cast a magical shadow over our skies, reminding us of the universe’s wonders!

Eclipses often like to hang out in pairs, and this last one of the year shines a light on love, romance, and those special long-term relationships in our lives. You’ve been working hard to ditch those people-pleasing habits and learn how to set healthy boundaries with those you care about. At the same time, it’s a great chance to reflect on your role in love—are you taking the lead like a champ or feeling a bit unsure? Have you been so busy fighting your battles that you’ve forgotten how sweet it feels to be supported?

Eclipses can bring about surprise changes often linked to our karmic journeys. The lessons you’ve gathered from the Pisces lunar eclipse until now are guiding you through a new chapter, allowing you to let go of old behaviors and step into the future.

This Eclipse is all about fresh starts and comes with promises of exciting changes ahead! It can open new life paths, setting us off on beautiful adventures. We might start feeling the effects of this Eclipse a month before and after the big day, so it’s likely we already have some hints about the new beginnings just around the corner. Remember the Aries Solar Eclipse from back in April? Any good intentions you put out there will likely come to life now!

New Moon in Libra Affirmation: I embrace this new chapter of my life with open arms.

🌑 Moon: New in Libra

🪄 Spellwork Recommended: Self-care, relationships, love, new beginnings, releasing negative patterns

🎯 Activity: Rose Quartz Meditation! The stone of love is perfect for this new moon whether you want a better relationship with yourself or your partner!  All you need is a piece of Rose Quartz (any size).  Have the questions you need help with firm in your mind before you begin. Sit down with the crystal in your hand, and visualize yourself walking into the crystal. You feel its energy and love as you go deeper into the stone.  You finally encounter a magical being who is the “soul”  of your crystal.  You can now connect with this being, ask your questions or just take in the energy!

October 17 - Full Moon in Aries (Hunter's Moon)

On October 17, as Venus enters Sagittarius, prepare for some exciting energy with a full moon in Aries! Full moons are all about emotional release and reflection, and this one is encouraging you to embrace your inner power. It’s a time for action! You might feel motivated to take charge and head in a positive direction. Just remember, putting on your warrior mask and stepping up is okay! Emotions might be high, but let’s channel that into leadership.

After a year filled with eclipses on the Aries–Libra axis, you might start noticing some events related to past moon cycles, giving you a sense of closure. This Full Moon has a special connection to the Aries New Moon Eclipse we experienced in April. Look out for familiar themes and patterns popping up between these two events! The intentions you set during that Eclipse may finally become a beautiful reality. The Aries Full Moon is a Super Moon, so it will be close to our planet, and we’ll feel its powerful effects!

You’re letting go of an old version of yourself and stepping into something fresh and exciting. Embrace your wonderful gifts and share them confidently with the world—perfection is unnecessary! If any old doubts arise, acknowledge them and keep moving forward. It’s your moment to push through fears and discover your full potential.

Why Is It Called the Hunter’s Moon?

This particular full Moon is commonly called the Full Hunter’s Moon. It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals began to fatten up in preparation for winter. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.

The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves.

Alternative October Moon Names

The names of the Moon are most often related to natural signs of the season or to activities at this time of year. Some of our favorites include:

  • Drying Rice Moon, a Dakota name, describes part of the post-harvest process of preparing rice for winter.
  • Falling Leaves Moon is an Anishinaabe term highlighting the transition between summer and fall.
    Freezing Moon (Ojibwe) and Ice Moon (Haida) refer to the increasingly cold temperatures of this period.
  • Migrating Moon (Cree) refers to when birds begin to fly south to warmer climates.

(Hunter’s Moon Information by Catherine Boeckmann – The Old Farmer’s Almanac)

Full Moon Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities

🌕 Moon: Full in Aries

🪄 Spellwork Recommended: Releasing, cord removals, breaking bad habits, creating new patterns

🎯 Activity: Working with Fire – Fire is a symbol of transformation, passion, and initiation. Lighting a fire, whether it’s a bonfire or a candle, can be a powerful ritual during the Aries full moon. As you watch the flames dance and flicker, envision releasing any doubts or fears that may be holding you back. Invite the fiery energy of Aries to fuel your intentions and ignite your enthusiasm for the path ahead. Feel free to write down your thoughts and emotions that need to be released. Burn paper with the things you want to either release or invite in to change, and connect with the energy of rebirth and renewal, as you watch the flame take over. Let go of these thoughts, creating space for new life adventures.

October 31 - Samhain

Before Halloween, when your mom had fun dressing you up in bin bags, covering you with fake blood, and sending you out to knock on doors shouting ‘Trick or Treat’ – there was Samhain. Today, Samhain (pronounced ‘SOW-win’ or ‘SAW-win’) is celebrated from October 31st to November 1st. It’s a wonderful part of a pagan, Celtic tradition that marks the end of summer, welcomes the harvest, and ushers in the darker half of the year.

Samhain is a magical time, where the lines between this world and the Otherworld blur, allowing our physical and spiritual worlds to connect. Bonfires and feasting were prominent in the festivities. Food was prepared for both the living and the dead, bones of slaughtered cattle were cast into communal fires, and household fires were left to burn out, only to be reignited by the communal bonfire again.

Ancestors were honored during this time and often invited back into the home, but harmful spirits were still outside, ready to spirit away any unknown human. To venture out during Samhain was to risk being harassed by the harmful spirits of the restless dead. People would wear disguises to protect themselves from the harmful dead. They often donned costumes or grotesque masks before they went outside to confuse and scare the restless dead. On Samhain, it was believed that if you left a saucer of milk out for the fairy, it would bless your house. If you didn’t leave a saucer, your cows would be cursed, and their milk would dry. This is a beautiful time of the year to recognize and honor your ancestors!

Samhain Affirmation: I walk in the honor and wisdom of my ancestors. The footsteps of those before me guide every step I take, and my every step paves the path for those who come after me. My ancestors have cleared my path.

🌘 Moon: Waning Crescent in Scorpio

🪄 Spellwork Recommended: Ancestral honoring, Underworld work, The Mighty Dead

🎯 Activity: Ancestral Supper.  If you have never done an ancestral supper ceremony, this is the time to do it! You can find more details here: Ancestral Supper.